Shabbat is more than a day of refraining from worldly activity.

When experienced to its spiritual fullest, its holiness enlightens all other days of the week.

We invite you to enhance your Shabbat with these words of Torah.


Moshe anointing Aharon Hakohen

The Quest – Post 2

The Quest – Post 2

Jacobson, Rabbi Simon
June 28, 2022

The pursuit of a spiritual life is… attainable by all.


G-d wants us to develop our world… not to escape it.


…our involvement with the world should be accompanied by the desire to transcend it. The Hebrew word for ‘world,’ olam, means ‘concealment,’ for a ‘world’ is a superimposed reality that veils the divine reality…


To actually escape one’s world would be to betray one’s mission in life, which is to unravel the distortion and peel away the concealment.


On the other hand, not to desire to escape it means that one accepts… the distortion and the concealment, which is likewise a betrayal of one’s mission in life.


Indeed, it is the constant striving to escape the strictures of our world that drives our efforts to develop, expand and sanctify the very world we are seeking to escape, and make it a vessel for the divine truth.”