The Emor Project was founded by Rosa Banin Blechstein, with the endorsement of some of our generation’s leading rabbis and Jewish educators. The Emor Project is a registered non-profit organization in Israel.


Rosa Banin Blechstein

Founder and Executive Director – Emor Project

Eli Ozarowski

Researcher – Emor Mapping Project, English and Hebrew Divisions

Michal BensCHEr

Collaborator – Gateways to Torat Hayim and Social Media 

Avraham Glebstein

Researcher and Copy Editor – Emor Mapping Project, Hebrew Division

Meir Shir

Collaborator – Emor Mapping Project and Gemilut Chasadim Divisions

Ilana Sobel

Copy Editor – English Division


Rabbi Dr. Marc D. Angel

Founder and Director of the Institue for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shearith Israel.

Rabbi David Bigman

Rosh HaYeshiva at Ma’ale Gilboa, and active in activities pertaining to society and halalcha, and dialogue between secular and religious Israelis.

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Senior lecturer in Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem, former rabbi of the Woodside Synagogue in Silver Spring, Maryland and associate professor of law at the University of Maryland.

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hesder Petach Tikva, a graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion and a retired major in the Israeli Defense Forces, and one of the founders of Tzohar.

Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo

Dean of the David Cardozo Academy, ‘Beth Midrash of Avraham,’ the Aaron and Betsy Spijer Institute of Jewish Thought in Jerusalem.

Rav Yaakov Medan

Rav Yaakov Medan serves as Co-Rosh Yeshiva, Ram and Tanach teacher at Yeshivat Har Etzion. He also teaches at numerous Yeshivot hesder and colleges throughout the country, and is considered one of the outstanding educators of Tanach today.

Rav Yoni Rosensweig

Rav Yoni Rosensweig is a community Rabbi of the Netzach Menashe community in Beit Shemesh and renowned teacher of Halakha, Gemara and Jewish thought.

Sarah Yehudit Schneider

One of our generations most unique and vibrant voices. She is the founding Director of A Still Small Voice, a correspondence school that has enrolled hundreds of students since its inception in 1991.

 Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber

President of the Institute of Advanced Torah Study, professor of Talmud at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and an expert on classical philology, history of Jewish customs, Jewish art history, Jewish education and Talmudic studies.


Dr. Jeremiah Unterman

Served as the adjunct Professor of Bible at Yeshiva University and Director of the Association of Modern Orthodox Day Schools in North America before becoming a Resident Scholar at the Herzl Institute.