Shabbat is more than a day of refraining from worldly activity.

When experienced to its spiritual fullest, its holiness enlightens all other days of the week.

We invite you to enhance your Shabbat with these words of Torah.


Moshe splitting the sea artwork

Parashat Beshalach: Why the Sea Needed to Split

Parashat Beshalach: Why the Sea Needed to Split

Jacobson, Rabbi Simon
February 7, 2023

Why did the Jewish people need to experience the Splitting of the Sea before receiving the Torah?

What exactly is the connection between the two events?


The Kabbalists view the sea as a metaphor for the ‘concealed worlds’, dry land, by contrast, is a metaphor for reality as we perceive it.

As the sea split, all the concealment of the world was torn open, exposing the truth of the oneness of G-d.

Before G-d could command the people to connect the physical They had to understand that the hidden core of all of creation is indeed the Creator. They had to realize that, in truth, the physical is nothing more than concealed spirituality.

When we received the Torah at Sinai, we were charged with the mission to connect the physical and the spiritual, the mundane and the holy, and the earthly and the Divine. 

But how is that even possible? They seem to be opposites.

They had to understand that the hidden core of all of creation is indeed the Creator.

They had to realize that, in truth, the physical is nothing more than concealed spirituality.

The Torah teaches us that as the sea split, as the hidden world came to light, the core of the soul was also unveiled.

As finite beings, … often define ourselves in terms of what we can do and can’t do.

At that moment of revelation, the Jewish people realized that the soul defies definition. They realized that they could express themselves in opposite ways; they could excel in contrasting fields.

There is nothing that we cannot achieve.

The stories of the Torah are not merely stories about the past; they are the stories of our lives.

Each and every day, we have the opportunity to escape our Egypt, the enslavement to our perceived limitations… empowering us to connect creation to its Creator, to reveal the hidden core of the physical.

To do so, however, we must first reveal the inner core of our soul, we must split our own sea, reveal our hidden truth, and discover that our essence is indeed limitless.

We must reveal the hidden spark of infinity within our souls.