Painting of Jewish man wearing a tallit, back facing, Hebrew letters floating around him

60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to The High Holidays

60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to The High Holidays

Jacobson, Rabbi Simon
September 24, 2023

“On Yom Kippur we touch the holiest part of ourselves – our souls. In emulation of the High Priest of the days of old, we have the opportunity to enter our personal Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies is the place where heaven meets there earth, where the Divine Presence shines unconcealed. This is the intimate place where we can meet G-d.


Yom Kippur is the convergence of the holiest in space, time and man – when the holiest part of man enters the holiest space on the holiest day.


We are able to do so when we take away all the materialism, all the physicality, all the external tools and expose what is left – the sacredness of our inner selves.”