Shabbat is more than a day of refraining from worldly activity.

When experienced to its spiritual fullest, its holiness enlightens all other days of the week.

We invite you to enhance your Shabbat with these words of Torah.


Man leading a group of people in the desert with pyramids and a camel

Parashat Vayigash: Illuminating the Darkest Moments of Your Life

Parashat Vayigash: Illuminating the Darkest Moments of Your Life

Bolotin, Katia
December 22, 2023

“Joseph not only models genuine forgiveness, but even greater than that, transcendence. Looking beyond himself to perceive a greater plan, he saw the unity between all the fragmented pieces of his life’s puzzle. By doing so, rather than remaining bitter and stuck in the past, Joseph was able to move on with equanimity.

By expanding our vantage points to see beyond ourselves, we can come to view entire chains of events through a clear, and not clouded, lens. Joseph demonstrated this clarity of vision upon stating to his brothers: ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of G-d? You intended evil towards me, but G-d intended it for good, to bring to pass what is now being done, the saving of many lives.’


Every action, both positive and negative, exists within a certain context.


…we can come to see that there is more to be perceived outside of ourselves. We alone do not occupy the entire picture. We are part of a far larger trajectory.


Joseph came to fully understand this, and so can we. We are meant to say gam zu letovah (“also this is for the best”). Within every negative situation, there exists a concealed good. It’s hidden beneath the surface, being activated like a fertile seed implanted beneath the ground. In time, both will emerge, fully revealed. G-d is the ultimate source and planter of seeds.


Use these insights to illuminate the dark places within your own life. Strive to view your challenges in life as opportunities through which to express the greater purpose that only you are meant to reveal.”