Cherry blossom branch covering a full moon

The Month of Shvat

The Month of Shvat

Breslev Israel staff
January 29, 2025

Tikkun Achilah – Elevating the Act of Eating

The Hebrew month of Shvat is associated with Tikkun Achilah, the spiritual elevation of eating. According to Sefer Yetzirah, each month has a unique energy and Divine service, and Shvat focuses on mindful, intentional consumption of food to nourish both body and soul.

The Soul in Eating

  • A Tzaddik eats to sustain the soul rather than just the body. The Torah teaches that all Jews, as Tzaddikim, have the ability to elevate their eating.
  • The Baal Shem Tov explains that everything in creation, including food, has a soul—its inner Divine spark. Eating with awareness releases this Elokut (Godliness) and connects it to higher spiritual levels.
  • Food moves through the chain of creation—minerals nourish plants, which sustain animals, which ultimately sustain humans. When a Jew eats with mindfulness and recites blessings, the energy of the food is elevated to holiness through mitzvot.

The Power of Blessings

  • Reciting a bracha (blessing) slowly and with focus releases the hidden holiness within food. The Name of Hashem spoken in the bracha activates the Divine spark in the food, allowing it to merge with the eater’s soul.
  • Eating in this manner transforms the physical world into Godliness.

Body and Soul Connection

  • The human body has 248 limbs, corresponding to 248 words in Shema and 248 positive mitzvot. Just as food nourishes the physical body, Torah and mitzvot nourish the spiritual body.
  • Personal weaknesses in health or mitzvah observance may indicate areas for spiritual refinement.
  • The foods we crave may indicate a spiritual connection to their sparks—or, conversely, an internal imbalance.

Kosher and Spiritual Elevation

  • Only kosher food has a spiritual composition that can be elevated through a Jew’s body.
  • Each soul is drawn to specific sparks it is meant to refine, whether in food, relationships, or experiences.
  • The first sin—eating from the Tree of Knowledge—brought the world into a fallen state. The Jewish people’s mission is to rectify this through mindful eating.

Shvat’s Universal Energy

  • The tribe of Asher is associated with Shvat, but its energy resonates within all Jews.
  • The month’s spiritual task is refining our relationship with food, ensuring it serves as a means of elevating the world rather than indulgence.

By aligning our eating with Tikkun Achilah, we participate in the ultimate rectification of creation, transforming the physical into the spiritual and bringing the world closer to its Divine purpose.


Note: The above is a summary of the original source