Shabbat is more than a day of refraining from worldly activity.

When experienced to its spiritual fullest, its holiness enlightens all other days of the week.

We invite you to enhance your Shabbat with these words of Torah.


Moshe about to break the Luchot with lightening coming down in black and white

Broken: Why Breaking the Tablets Was Moses’ Greatest Accomplishment

Broken: Why Breaking the Tablets Was Moses’ Greatest Accomplishment

Jacobson, Rabbi YY
February 17, 2022

“Moses did not break the tablets because he was angry and lost his control. Rather, the breaking of the tablets was the beginning of the healing process.

Moses was teaching the Jewish people the greatest message of Judaism: Truth could be crafted not only from the spiritually perfected life, but also from the broken pieces of the human corrupt and demoralized psyche. The broken tablets, too, possess the light of G-d.


Which is why…the broken ones, were [also] situated in the holy of holies. This conveyed the message articulated at the very genesis of Judaism: From the broken pieces of life you can create a holy of holies.

Truth is found not only in wholesomeness, but also—sometimes primarily—in the broken fragments of the human spirit. There are moments when G-d desires that we connect to Him as wholesome people… there are yet deeper moments when He desires that we find Him in the shattered experiences of our lives.”