Image of spark shinning by a dark sky

Scattered Sparks – Post 2

Scattered Sparks – Post 2

Freeman, Tzvi
July 12, 2022

“[How do we rescue and liberate these sparks?


One way is to use physical objects for the good. For example, technology. It does have a divine spark, but can be used for the good, or the not-so-good. Will we waste hours staring at useless TikToks or pointless social media threads, or will we use technology to listen to Torah lessons, spread Torah teachings, bring hope to others, raise money for a charitable organization, or in other useful and impactful ways that benefit society]?


We need to discover how [technology] fits into the grand scheme of things, enabling people to take charge of their own lives and to increase understanding between people and wisdom in the world.

The more we uncover the meaning of each thing, the closer the world comes to its fulfilmment. Once we reach a critical mass of liberated sparks, the world begins to sing the song it was always meant to sing, loud and clear.”