Shabbat is more than a day of refraining from worldly activity.

When experienced to its spiritual fullest, its holiness enlightens all other days of the week.

We invite you to enhance your Shabbat with these words of Torah.


Open Chumash with light shinning down on the Hebrew words

Parashat Behukotai: The Unparalleled Power of a Group

Parashat Behukotai: The Unparalleled Power of a Group

Mansour, Rabbi Eli J.
May 7, 2021

“When larger numbers of people come together, their potential increases not proportionally, but exponentially.


…The Shulhan Aruch (Orah Haim 155:1) writes that one is obligated to set times for the study of Torah, and the Hafetz Haim comments that although this obligation Is fulfilled even if one learns alone, nevertheless, ‘optimally, it is a Misva to enhance [one’s study] as much as possible by learning in a group, because this way, greater honor is given to G-d.’


… although the Shechina is present whenever a person learns Torah, when a group assembles to learn, the Shechina comes first to greet them. Moreover, the Sages teach us that Torah knowledge cannot be acquired unless one studies together with a group… If a person learns alone, he might misunderstand the material without even realizing that he misunderstands… when people learn together, they ask questions, discuss, argue and debate, thereby clarifying and crystallizing the information.


Today, the blessings of technology have made it possible for each and every person to learn at all times, wherever he is. This is truly a wonderful blessing… However, as precious and valuable as this learning is, nothing can compare to the power of a group that assembles to learn Torah together….”


Let us take advantage of not only the myriad opportunities offered by technology for individual study, but also the countless opportunities we have in our community to get together with others to learn Torah and bring glory to the Almighty.