Three yeshiva boys learning Torah together

The Power of Torah Learning

The Power of Torah Learning

Friedman, Rabbi Manis
October 25, 2023

We are blessed, like never before, with many resources for Torah Study, online and in person.

Anyone can benefit, regardless their current level of knowledge.


“God wants to be intimate with His creation, He makes Himself known… ‘Think about Me,’ God is saying, ‘Get to know Me… invite Me into your life’…


…He wants to be [our] reality, and that can only happen… by studying Torah.


…God communicated His intentions, His plan, His vision for the world [through the Torah].


How do we understand God’s language?


For this, we had Moses, our teacher, explaining it and then we had the sages of all generations… the whole chain of transmission of the Torah… 4000 years worth of tradition starting with Abraham…


We have a vast amount of knowledge about Him, about God Himself. The more we study, the closer we get to Him and the closer He gets to us…”


Torah study, online and often in-person, depending on your location, is readily available to all.

We are sharing a few links of the many available resources to enable you to carry out the fundamental mitzvah of Torah study easily, regardless of your current knowledge level.


There are also organizations that will pair you with a study partner to learn via telephone or video-chat, such as:


Anyone interested in pursuing Torah study options and wanting further guidance or direction is welcome to contact us via Facebook messenger or via email to