Flames surrounding the still standing Beit Hamikdash with Jews falling apart in the background

The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz: Finding the Love in the Destruction

The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz: Finding the Love in the Destruction

Lipitz, Mrs. Ani
July 23, 2024

…The three weeks between the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz and the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av are called Bein HaMetzarim (“Between the Straits”), and during this period Jewish people the world over enter into a period of constriction, minimizing outward expressions of joy and observing different customs associated with mourning.

As their name so clearly implies, these three weeks are hard. We reflect on the spiritually and physically destructive events that occurred between the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls on the 17th of Tammuz and the fall of the Beit HaMikdash (Holy Temple) on the 9th of Av in the year 70 CE. 

…These three weeks are, on a deeper level, permeated with powerfully positive spiritual influences as well. In our timebound world, Bein HaMetzarim occurs during the summer, when the sun is at its strongest. Kabbalah teaches that every detail of our world here below is a reflection of what’s going on behind the scenes in the spiritual worlds above. 

…The sun is associated spiritually with the Divine Name Havayah, a Name of G-d that expresses His attributes of compassion and revelation. So the strength of the sun during Bein HaMetzarim tells us that during the darkest period on the Hebrew calendar, G-d’s love and compassion are in truth shining the brightest.

Each human being is a microcosm of the universe at large…But it is precisely during these periods of deepest darkness that the light of compassion shines the strongest in our souls, that the Infinite Itself is revealed before us. Because destruction, like all other forces in the universe, is filled with Divine purpose.

…The chassidic masters teach that the inner purpose of the Holy Temple’s destruction is to facilitate the ultimate building of the next and final Holy Temple, which will signify humanity’s elevation to the ultimate state of geulah, G-d-consciousness. 

…Within darkness, the most potent light is hidden. Within chaos, the highest Divine order is concealed. It is up to us to reveal it.


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