The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz: Finding the Love in the Destruction

…The three weeks bRead more

Make It Real

This ShabRead more

The Nine Days of Mourning

“This montRead more

17th of Tammuz

The 17th of Tammuz Read more

Do remember the past, but do not be held captive by it

“Jews neveRead more

Finding the Love in the Destruction – Part 2

Painting of the beit hamikdash

“Each humaRead more

Finding the Love in the Destruction – Part 1

Painting of the beit hamikdash

“We reflecRead more

17th of Tammuz

“The 17th oRead more

When the Cracks Appear, Let the Light Enter – Part 2

“What was mRead more

When the Cracks Appear, Let the Light Enter – Part 1

“It is a welRead more