Shabbat is more than a day of refraining from worldly activity.

When experienced to its spiritual fullest, its holiness enlightens all other days of the week.

We invite you to enhance your Shabbat with these words of Torah.


Yeshiva boy learning Gemara

Parashat Shofetim: Torah Study and Fear of Heaven: Connected?

Parashat Shofetim: Torah Study and Fear of Heaven: Connected?

Pfeffer, Rabbi Yehoshua
September 5, 2024

[The King] shall have a copy of[the Torah]
Let him read in it all his life, so that he may learn to revere God, to observe faithfully every word of this [Torah] as well as these laws.
… to the end that he and his descendants may reign long in the midst of Israel.

( Devarim 17:18-19)


In Parashat Shofetim, there is a connection drawn between learning Torah and Yirat Shamayim, (fearing Hashem).  How are they connected?

When HKBH gave the Torah, He didn’t just give us the opportunity for intellectual pursuit; He gave us Himself.

This is illustrated by the first word He used when giving the Ten Commandments: Anochi.

Anochi is an acronym for Ana Nafshi Ketovit Yehovit.

I Myself wrote [these words and] gave [them to you].

I gave Myself.

When we study the Torah, we study the word of HKBH, we study Hashem Himself, and thereby we connect to Him and become close to Him.

Fearing Hashem, as the Ramchal explains, is not merely fearing the consequences of something that we do wrong. Rather, it defines our connection to HKBH.

Everything we do is accompanied by the hope that it will be successful. When we place our hope in HKBH we connect to Him through aspiration, joy, and awe.

This brings true Yirat Shamayim.



The above quotes are taken from the original audio/video content.