Table with all different types of food- fruit, veggies, bread, pastries, eggs, arranged in rainbow color

Getting practical: The six basic brachot said on food

Getting practical: The six basic brachot said on food

Simmons, Rabbi Shraga
January 30, 2023

The bracha that one says before eating or drinking is known as a bracha rishona (literally,’first blessing’).

The Sages grouped all foods and drink into six different categories, and assigned each of these categories its own specific bracha rishona.


The text of all six brachot begins the same way:

Baruch Ata Ado-noy, Eloheinu Melech ha’olamBlessed are you, God, our Master, King of the world.


This phrase is then followed by the subject of the bracha, i.e. what it is you are blessing God for.

The categories of foods and their assigned brachot are:


Hamotzee – Bread – Hamotzee lechem min Ha’aretz – Who brings forth bread from the land


Ha’gafen – Wine – Borei pri ha’gafen – Creator of the fruit of the vine


Mezonot – Grains – Borei minei mezonot – Creator of a variety of sustaining foods


Ha’aitz – Fruits – Borei pri Ha’aitz – Creator of the fruit of the tree


Ha’adama – Vegetables – Borei pri ha’adama – Creator of the fruit of the land


ShehakolAll other food & drink – Sheh’hakol niy’yeh bid’varoThat all came to be through His utterance