Shin (Sin): The Twenty-First Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The three Read more

Resh: The Twentieth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The Talmu

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Kuf: The Nineteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The desigRead more

Tzadik: The Eighteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The letteRead more

Pey (Fey): The Seventeeth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The letteRead more

Ayin: The Sixteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“AccordinRead more

Samech: The Fifteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The numerRead more

Nun: The Fourteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The ZoharRead more

Mem: The Thirteenth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

“The word mRead more

Lamed: The Twelfth Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet

Lamed meaRead more