Man standing between mountains with Hebrew letters floating to the sky

Power Of Speech

Cohen, Rabbi Zamir
March 7, 2021

“Kabbala teaches us that speech creates reality…


…contemporary studies prove that speech creates reality indeed… Dr. Emoto Masaro proves that… there’s a big difference between drops of water that were exposed to positive talking and those that were exposed to negative talking… any negative words… damaged the water molecules.

Some studies show that when a person prays, the prayer works… when they took two groups of sick people… one group was prayed for and the other was not, it was discovered later that the group that was prayed for had recovered. The amount of people who had recovered in a way that statistically could not have been by accident, regarding to what happened to the second group…

So speech has a reality. Therefore, it is one’s obligation to mind his speech, to aim for positive, good talking, so fruit[s of his labor] and results will be seen.”