"...just as the dalet and the yud come together to form the hei, so, too, one has an obligation to imbue and sanctify the physical world with spirituality and G?dliness....
"The letter gimmel represents the benefactor or the giver of charity. [Its] design is explained in the Talmud as a rich man running to give charity to a poor person....
Bet (Vet): The Second Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet
Raskin, Rabbi Aaron L.
"The three lines of the beis are often interpreted as representing the three pillars on which the world stands: Torah, prayer, and charity (including good deeds). When a person prays, studies Torah, and gives charity daily, one builds a home for G-d."...
“The [letter] alef has three different meanings. One is aluf, which means a master or a chief… This lets the world know that there is a Creator… The universe did not simply emerge by itself… [and] God is the Aluf, the Master of the universe. The second...
Introduction to Letters of Light: The Meaning of the Hebrew Alphabet
Raskin, Rabbi Aaron L.
"The Mishnah states: 'With Ten Utterances G-d created the world.' As a carpenter employs tools to build a home, so G-d utilized the twenty-two letters of the alef-beis to form heaven and earth....