Identifying damaging patterns and personal bias is an essential step on a journey to freedom from our personal bondage.
In one way or another, we're all enslaved [by our inward psyche or our outside circumstances]....
“Moses ascends Mt. Sinai for the third time to pray and beseech G-d to forgive the people. He will remain there for 40 days, descending on Yom Kippur, when he finally succeeds in his mission. The shofar was sounded when Moses ascended on Rosh Chodesh Elul and every day...
The Holiness of Your Sins: How the Kabbalah Reconciles Free Choice and Divine Providence
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
"The Talmud teaches something very profound: When somebody repents out of awe, out of fear- their sins are absolved. When someone repents out of love, their sins become mitzvot....
Elul: A Month of Preparation and Divine Compassion
Jacobson, Rabbi Simon
"Elul is a time to prepare for the 'Days of Awe' of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur by repenting the failings of the past and resolving for the future; to immerse oneself in Torah study, prayer and charitable activities....
"We do not accept poverty, hunger, homelessness, or disease as G-d’s Will. On the contrary, G-d’s Will is that we heal these fractures in His world....