"There is a well know segula (Spiritual remedy) that stops plagues. It’s taught by the Holy Zohar that reading the Pitum HaKetoret has the power to stop a plague. But how does this work? What is so special about this prayer that enables it to stop a plague?"...
It’s All Hashem – All Your Accomplishments Are a Gift
Ashear, Rabbi David
Would you like to
achieve inner peace
amidst outside chaos?
Would you like to trust in G-d, knowing that he has a plan even though you can’t see the whole meaning of the situation?
By learning and internalizing lessons in emunah and bitachon, you can come to a deep level of...
It’s All Hashem – Just Wait Until it Happens to You
Ashear, Rabbi David
Would you like to
achieve inner peace
amidst outside chaos?
Would you like to trust in G-d, knowing that he has a plan even though you can’t see the whole meaning of the situation?
By learning and internalizing lessons in emunah and bitachon, you can come to a deep level of...
"Our Rabbis have told us that at the end of time… one of the great midot we will need...to get by all the struggles is emunah [trust in G-d].
Emunah talks to everyone because everyone needs Hashem, everyone knows in any situation they are in they need Hashem… It doesn’t...
The section Chovot HaLevavot from Sha’ar HaBitachon is like “the Gemara on emunah and Bitachon".
Studying and internalizing its lessons leads one "...to have the life that G-d meant for us to have, a life that is not filled with worry, not filled with anxiety…not following what seems to be...
Spread the Light: An Ancient Talmudic Debate About the Jewish World Today
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
There is a debate in the Talmud: Am I allowed to use another Chanuka candle to ignite another flame?
"...Two of the greatest Talmudic sages...Rav and Shmuel debate the question. Rav says you are not allowed to, Shmuel says it’s permissible. ...Jewish law follows the position of Shmuel......