"... [the] experience of living beneath the skhokh for seven days (with its leaky roof and peep holes to heaven) is supposed to bring us to sukka consciousness....
Rosh Hashanah at Home: How to Embrace the Opportunity
Lebovits, Rabbi Levi
"A helpful first step is to remember that nothing happens without God's guidance. Our prayer services haven’t simply fallen victim to the blind menace of COVID-19. The High Holidays this year present us with an opportunity to reach new heights of meaning and connection.
"On Tisha B’Av we mourn the loss of our House of Holy Presence (aka Bet HaMikdash), the heart of our people, that turns us from a throng into a higher order unity called Kenesset Yisrael, a synonymous term for Shekhina. Without our holy hub it is hard to contain...
Post 4 – HKB”H’s Voice Is Heard around the World Like a Thunderous Lightning Bolt to Arouse Us from Our Spiritual Slumber and Remind Us of His Presence
Friedman, Rabbi Pinches
"...We must employ our power of speech...to engage in Torah-study… We must designate set times to study Torah daily, morning and night. We must refrain from speaking ‘lashon hara’ and gossip....
Post 1 – HKB”H’s Voice Is Heard around the World Like a Thunderous Lightning Bolt to Arouse Us from Our Spiritual Slumber and Remind Us of His Presence
Friedman, Rabbi Pinches
"No one, except possibly the leaders and tzaddikim of this generation, has the explicit, unequivocal knowledge to explain why HKB”H has subjected the world to this virulent organism. What we do know, however, it that it compels us to search our souls and assess our own accountability - 'cheshbon...
"HaShem created the universe to bring forth the souls of Israel. Just as there are 600,000 letters of the Torah, so are there 600,000 root souls in the spiritual community of Israel....
“We are obviously deeply pained that more and more people are getting ill and that others have died. Every human being, Jew or gentile, is of infinite value and to lose even one of them is losing a whole world....