Finding One’s Place in the World

“…tRead more

A Short Thought on Parshat Matot-Massei

“Words havRead more

Parashat Pinchas: Rav Tzadok HaKohen On the Parsha

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Parashat Balak: Donkey-Talk: Even great blessings can emerge from impure places

Balak is tRead more

Is Your Anxiety Killing You? Looking Up: The Meaning behind the Snake on the Pole

When poisRead more

Understanding Am Yisrael’s Stubbornness in the Midbar – Post 2

Every human being Read more

Understanding Am Yisrael’s Stubbornness in the Midbar – Post 1

Am Yisrael (the naRead more

Korach – Peaceful Disagreements

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The Quest – Post 2

The pursuRead more

The Quest

“Moses… toRead more