"The month of Tammuz is associated with sight. This means that the month of Tammuz is the best month of the year to learn to exercise our sight in the most positive way possible....
"Kriyat Shema al Ha'Mita is one of the most powerful acts one can do in the day, guaranteeing that half of your mental, emotional, and physical problems will disappear. You will wake differently and will be able to function much better....
"In Kriyat Shema al Ha'Mita, the prayer service before we retire at night, we take 5-10 minutes to do an accounting of our day and do teshuva for any wrongs we committed that day. We should do this daily and do it honestly. Focus on the little things we...
"Sleep is a journey. As with any journey, you’ll come back more refreshed if you travel light. So [before going to sleep is] the time to leave the baggage behind—meaning, all those grudges and hard feelings that may have been collecting over the day....
"This pre-sleep prayer service ensures that if we go to sleep in a proper manner, with words of Torah on our lips and having done our spiritual work to clean our slate, we will wake up in a fitting way, with the energy to live a productive day both...
"When we mourn the death of the students of Rabbi Akiva, we must rectify their sin of not showing kavod for each other as one of the most important ways to prepare ourselves for Matan Torah....
"The Torah itself gives a transition between the Holiday of Freedom (Pesach) and the Holiday of the Torah - the holiday of commitment to Hashem (Shavuot) - via the counting of the Omer…until we get to Matan Torah....
Tehilim – Psalms – Lessons for Self-Growth -Post 4
Kin, Rabbi Elyahu
"Tehillim and prayer can only help if they are accompanied by the proper teshuva, the sincerity, the repentance otherwise a person is just saying words."...