Why Is There a Purim Katan (Small Purim)?

Painting of a father with his daughter dressed in Purim costume walking the streets of Jerusalem

“There is aRead more

The Seventh of Adar: Haman and the Death of Moses

“While MosRead more

Adar: The Month of Mazal – Post 2

Dark night sky full of bright shinning stars and a colorful full moon in the center

“[The two mRead more

Adar: The Month of Mazal – Post 1

Dark night sky full of bright shinning stars and a colorful full moon in the center

Moses wasRead more

Shvat: Filling the Bucket

“The astraRead more

The Tenth of Tevet

“The Tenth Read more

“This Opposite This” HaShem Made the World

“The WesteRead more

Chanukka and the Feminine

[On ShabbRead more

Ceremony & Celebration – Chanukah Candle 4

Chanukah quote by Rabbi Sacks

“The militRead more

Chanukah: The Greatest Revenge

Two young Jewish boys watching the Chanukah candles burn on the last night of Chanukah

If we want to commeRead more