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Barak Nixon with the background of the Nova festival

Barak Nixon’s Reflections on Faith, Survival, and Divine Providence

Former Hostage Almog reunited after 8 months of being kept in Gaza

What the kidnapped Almog told moments after being rescued

Ori Megidish, freed hostage in uniform

Mitzvot Save Israeli Hostage Ori Megidish

IDF soldiers holding a Sefer Torah and an Israeli flag

Editor’s Notes: War with Hamas pushes Israelis closer to God

Israelis of all religious sects together

Hostage Families Embraced in Unifying Shabbat in Jerusalem

Sapir Cohen, former hostage with Nation on pause logo, orange candles on top of I pause for Shabbat with images of the hostages in the background

Sapir Cohen, former hostage, on Nation on Pause

IDF commander in uniform sharing miracles he witnessed

Sabbath Oath: IDF Commander Survives Hamas Attack

Ilan Muallem, American Actor talking about his jewish identity

Thank You Jew Haters! A powerful message from Ilan Muallem.

Roi Assaraf interviewed after surviving Nova Festival

Roi’s Miracle AFTER Escaping the Oct. 7th Nova Massacre