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10 days of Teshuva, siddur and shofar

Ten Days of Teshuva

Jewish man in a tallit prayer shawl blowing the shofar

Demystifying Yom Kippur

Guy putting tefillin on someone else

A Ba’al Teshuvah Is Greater Than a Tzaddik

Jewish Man blowing shofar at the kotel

Rosh HaShana -The Shofar Transports our Souls Into The Holy of Holies

Shana Tov with pomegranates, and shofer

Rosh Hashana Wishes from Emor Project

Rosh Hashana- shofar with machzor (prayer book) and tallit

Rosh Hashana – The Head of the Year

crown on top of Aaron kodesh

A Night to Remember: On the Essence of Rosh Hashanah

Painting of shabbos candles below a cloud with light shining down

The Ikkar (main aspect) of Yom Tov (festival holy days)

U turn sign on the Road

Reflecting, Resolving, and Renewing for the New Year

Chai Elul Man wearing a tallit enlivens a somber month

Chai Elul: Adding Chayus Throughout the Year

Solitude, man alone in nature with sun setting and blooming tree

The Holiness of Your Sins: How the Kabbalah Reconciles Free Choice and Divine Providence

The Purpose of Creation – Part 6


Havdala is the ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat and the transition back to the regular week. It includes blessings over wine, spices, and fire.

Havdala consists of the following stages: 

    1. Verses  
      • Although not required, verses that express our hope for a positive week are customarily recited at the beginning of Havdala.
      • Ashkenazim recite a series of verses beginning with “Hinei Kel Yeshu’ati” (Yeshayahu 12:2) available here, while Sephardim recite a series of verses beginning with “Rishon Letzion” (Yeshayahu 41:27) available here .
  • Wine
    • Blessing: Borei pri hagafen is recited on the cup of wine.
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • Ideally, use kosher wine or grape juice.
      • If unavailable, significant beverages like beer or coffee may be used. 
      • According to some opinions, one may also use other significant beverages if one prefers them over wine. 
  1. Spices (besamim)
    • Blessing: A blessing is recited on fragrant spices. 
      • Ashkenazim: The general blessing of Borei minei besamim (Who creates types of spices) is recited.
      • Sephardim: Specific blessings are recited, such as Borei atzei besamim (Who creates fragrant branches) or Borei isvei besamim (Who creates fragrant herbs).
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • One should not use spices designed only to remove a foul odor (such as bathroom freshener). 
      • If the one reciting havdala cannot smell, another individual recites the blessing during havdala (Ashkenazim) or after havdala (Sephardim).
  2. Candle
    • Blessing: Borei me’orei ha’esh is recited on the flame.
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • Preferably, use a special havdala candle with multiple wicks.
      • After the blessing, view one’s fingernails by the light to appreciate the flame. Some halakhic authorities hold that one does this before reciting the blessing.
  3. Blessing of Separation and Drinking the Wine
    • Blessing: The blessing of “Hamavdil” is recited, which marks the distinction between “holy” (i.e., Shabbat) and “mundane” (i.e., the weekdays), followed by drinking the cup of wine. 
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • Everyone should listen to the blessing without interruption, as missing part of this blessing invalidates the mitzva.
      • The leader drinks the wine; others may assist if necessary.

The leader must drink at least a cheekful (approximately 44 cc). Ideally, a full revi’it (86 cc) is consumed, requiring an after-blessing.

  1. Symbolic Meaning
    • Purpose: Havdala, which means separation, transitions from Shabbat’s sanctity to weekday activity. The blessing’s text, “He separates between holy and mundane, between light and dark…between the seventh day and the six days of work,” reinforces that holiness is preserved through separation. 
    • Symbolism:
      • Smelling spices enables the soul to cope with losing the additional soul (neshama yeteira), which joins a person on Shabbat. 
      • Seeing the flame commemorates the creation of fire on Saturday night by Adam in the Garden of Eden. 
      • Smelling spices and seeing the flame also awaken the senses, helping to carry Shabbat’s spiritual elevation into the week.
  2. Mystical Insights 
    • Neshama Yeteira: In addition to the connection between the departure of the additional soul and smelling the spices, the entire havdala ceremony also helps ease the loss of the additional soul.
    • Symbolism of Ritual Objects:
      • Candle: Reflects divine light.
      • Wine: Represents divine abundance.

Separation and Integration: Light and darkness represent distinct realms, as do sacred and mundane and Shabbat and the rest of the week. However, light illuminates the darkness, the holy illuminates the mundane, and Shabbat illuminates the rest of the week. Havdala demonstrates that these different realms must remain distinct but that Shabbat can impact the rest of the week, bridging sanctity with the material world.