Ten Days of Teshuva

Every year there dRead more

A Ba’al Teshuvah Is Greater Than a Tzaddik

“The RambaRead more

Rosh HaShana -The Shofar Transports our Souls Into The Holy of Holies

When listening to Read more

Rosh Hashana Wishes from Emor Project

Emor Project wishRead more

Rosh Hashana – The Head of the Year

Rosh Hashana, the … Read more

A Night to Remember: On the Essence of Rosh Hashanah

“Rosh HashRead more

The Ikkar (main aspect) of Yom Tov (festival holy days)

“These are the appRead more

Reflecting, Resolving, and Renewing for the New Year

[During Elul, theRead more

Days of Awe: Ideas and Insights of the Sfas Emes on the High Holy Days

Shabbos Teshuva o… Read more

Post 3 – And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God

“Ensuring Read more