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A wise looking man wearing a kippa walks through a modern city at night. The city is bustling with people bright lights and traffic yet his face remains focused

PARASHAT VAYAKHEL – Everyone Can Be Sanctified

Painting of lit shabbat candles and kiddush cup

PARASHAT KI TISA – Why Breaking the Tablets Was Moses’ Greatest Accomplishment

Picture of Mentora in the hall of the mishkan

Parshas Tetzaveh

Gold menorah painting

Parashat Teruma – Why Isn’t the Price of Gold Dropping?

Torah scroll with scale coming out of it

Parshat Mishpatim: Jewish Slavery?

PARASHAT BESHALACH: Parnasah: Wherein the Toil?

Parashat Bo: The Spiritual Child

Egyptians ruling over slaves as they build pyramids

Parashat Vaera: Do You Know What You’re Missing?

A vivid depiction of a man standing in front of a burning bush in a desert, with the entire desert portrayed in natural desert tones of sand

Parashat Shemot – The Ever-Changing Names of Hashem

Parashat Vayechi – The Hidden Torah Codes for Slavery and Freedom

Parashat Va’yeitzei: What is Jacob’s Ladder?


Parashat Chayei Sarah: Abraham: A Life of Faith

Parashat Vayera – The Akeida: A Hero’s Journey

Detailed structure of Noah's ark

Parashat Noah: Holiness, and the Journey Toward Redemption – Insights from Aderet Eliyahu

A scenic landscape of Israel featuring key biblical location, including the city of Hebron with rolling Judean hills

Eretz Yisrael as God’s Designated Inheritance: Rashi’s Foundational Insight on Bereshit

one side is blooming and full of greenery and the other side is destruction

Parashat Ki Tavo: The Blessing and the Curse

Yeshiva boy learning Gemara

Parashat Shofetim: Torah Study and Fear of Heaven: Connected?

Painting split between a green mountain full of flowers and the sun shining and a barren mountain with clouds above it

The Sefat Emet on Parashat Re’eh

Red cow sleeping all curled up with Chukat spelled in Hebrew in the center

Parashat Chukat: Descartes’ Error

Nazir staring out at a field with Naso written in hebrew

Parashat Naso: Death and Determination

Tents set up in the desert , facing each other surrounded by mountains

Parashat Bamidbar: Jewish Unity

Painting of the old city of Jerusalem

Parashat Bechukotai

Sun setting over a wheat field with the focus on a stalk of wheat

Parashat Behar

Abstract Art of Kever Rachel in blue with light shining through

Parashat Emor: Turning Gola into Geulah

Kedoshim written in Hebrew above the Jews together at Har Sinai

Parashat Kedoshim: You Shall Keep All My Status and All My Judgments

Yad on a Torah scroll

Parashat Acharei Mot – Rav Tzadok HaKohen on the Parsha

Nadav and Avihu getting burned by Hashem after putting foreign fire on the Mizbeach

Parashat Shemini – You Are What You Eight

Kohen fixing the fire by the golden alter painting

Making Connections: The Message of Mitzvos

Image of the Kohanim in the Mishkan preparing the Karbanot


Painting of the Mishkan completely built and the Jews Tents surrounding it

Parashat Pekudei: Where does the Divine Presence live?

Abstract painting of shabbat candles by Alex Levine

Parashat Vayakhel: The Fire of Shabbat

Jewish men in a room learning and studying together

Parashat Ki Tisa: The Bris HaTorah

Detailed wood model of the Tabernacle (Mishkan)

Parshat Teruma: The Sanctuary Within

Torah laws spinning around

Parshas Mishpatim

Sefer Torah in front of Har Sinai with the Luchot

Parshat Yitro: Keeping In Touch – Vol. 1: Yisro

The Yam Suf splitting with lightening coming down from the sky

Parashat Beshalach: Meaning of Five

Moshe facing the burning bush

Parashat Bo: Thinking

Jewish Men praying as the sun is rising outside

Parashat Va’era: The Place of Prayer

Group of Jews united waving Israeli flags

Parashat Shemot: Turning Curses into Blessings

Vayechi written in Hebrew and English

Parshat Vayechi: A Small Glimpse of the Larger Picture

Man leading a group of people in the desert with pyramids and a camel

Parashat Vayigash: Illuminating the Darkest Moments of Your Life

Pharaoh and Joseph

Parashat Miketz: Why Was Pharaoh Blown Away by Joseph

Yaakov lowering himself to Esav

Parashat Vayishlach: Living Emunah on the Parashah

Ladder going up to the sky

Parashat Vayetze: Be Strong In The Way Of Awakening From Below

Sun setting over mountains in a desert with Toldot written in Hebrew and English

Parashat Toledot

Man on a hilltop looking out at a city

Parashat Chayei Sarah: Elevating the Land of Israel and the Entire World

IDF soldier in uniform davening with teffilin on

Parashat Vayera: Rav Asher Weiss: In Light of the War

Man sitting on a bench by the beach watching the waves

Parashat Lekh Lekha: At 90, A Man Turns Around His Life

Noach's boat in the water while it is raining

Parashat Noach: Living Emunah on the Parashah: Serenity and Faith in the Weekly Torah Reading

Sky with a setting sun and pink clouds, and a perfect view of green trees and a stream

Parashat Haazinu: Heaven & Earth

Guy putting tefillin on someone else

Parashat Nitzavim: A Ba’al Teshuvah Is Greater Than a Tzaddik

Painting of people walking to the sunset

Parashat Nitzavim: Two Levels of Teshuvah

Pomegranates and figs painting

Parashat Ki Tavo: Keeping In Touch – Vol. 1

A scale pointing at 5 kg

Parashat Ki Tetze- A Measured Approach to Change

brown mallet on a stack of books on a table

Parashat Shoftim: The Wisdom in Civil Law

A blue eye surrounded by the world

Parashat Re’eh: The Power of Seeing: The Path to Blessing and Personal Growth

Green field with trees and houses and mountains

Parashat Ekev 5783

Man saying Shema and wearing Tefillin with Hebrew letters next to him

Parashat Va’etchanan – How can I love God?

Pink sky over a city with wind

Parashat Va’etchanan- Fully Alive

Yad on a Torah scroll

The Torah: With Or Hachaim’s Commentary Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated

Men crying out to Hashem as Jerusalem burns

Make It Real

Finger stoping dominos from continuing to fall

How to turn a crises or disaster to success

Pinchas holding a spear in his hand

Parashat Pinchas: Touching the Core

An orange and yellow snake on a stick

Can I See Anxiety as an Opportunity?

Man standing high on top of pile of failures

Parashat Korach: How to Measure a Person’s True Level

Man holding Tzitzit with Tekhelet on it

Parashat Shelach – What is the Tekhelet All About

Tallit, Siddur, and Lit candles on a table

Parashat Beha’alotecha: Rush and Return: The Anatomy of a Flame

Kohanim standing with their Tallit above them for Birkat Kohanim

The Priestly Blessing – Birkat Kohanim

Image of everyone looking the same and one out of place

Finding One’s Place in the World

Men learning Torah in a Beit Midrash

Keeping In Touch – Vol. 4: Bechukotai

Tzitzit and a tallit with the Hebrew Bracha

A Short Thought on Parshas Emor

Painting of the Kotel with lots of colors

Parashat Acharei Mot – Kedoshim: A Holy Life

Torah scroll slightly open

The Omer and Holiness Parshas Kedoshim

Abstract glass artwork with Tezaveh written in hebrew

Context and Perspective

Hands together holding a lit white candle

The Light We Make

Shabbat Candles and cloud with rays of sunshine coming down

Giving Thanks

Book with pages glowing

Hearing the Still Small Voice – Parshat Vayikra

Mishkan being built and people

Parashat Vayakhel/ Pekudei: Making Space

Block with Hebrew letters written on each side

Parashat Ki Tisa: The Aleph Beit Of Creation – Ki Tissa

Oil flame surrounded by darkness

Parashat Tetzaveh: Oil, Wick, Vessel, Flame

A gift wrapped and topped with a bow being handed off from owner to child

Parshat Teruma: The Gift of Giving

Lightening coming down from the sky and the words Na'aseh V'nishma written across

Parshat Mishpatim: Doing and Hearing

10 commandments on top of Har Sinai with lightening coming down from the sky

Parshat Yitro: The Ten Commandments and Creation

Moshe splitting the sea artwork

Parashat Beshalach: Why the Sea Needed to Split

New moon in the sky at night

Parashat Bo: The Mystery of the New Moon

Egyptian woman grossed out by frogs everywhere

Parashat Va’era: A Short Thought on Parshat Va’eira

Moshe facing the burning bush with an orange background

Parashat Shemot: Moses Confronts the Inner Human Struggle (The Burning Bush and the Tanya)

Jacob blessing Ephraim and Menashe with crossed arms

Parshas Vayechi

Hand reaching up to the sky

Parshas Vayigash

Pharaoh and Joseph

Parashat Miketz: Why Was Pharaoh Blown Away by Joseph?

Crown laying on top of a big book

Parashat Vayeshev: King David Strong In The Ways Of Judah’s Repentance

Yaakov fighting with the angel

Parashat Vayishlach

Rachel and Leah outside sitting under a tree

Parashat Vayetze: Did Jacob Really Hate His Wife?

Esau talking to Jacob

Parashat Toledot: The Other Face of Esau

Avraham Avinu in front of his tent welcoming guests

Parashat Chayei Sarah: The Influence of Abraham

Avraham greeting three men

Parashat Vayera: Rav Tzadok HaKohen on the Parsha

Man looking out at the desert

Parashat Lekh Lekha: Ten Challenges


Parashat Noach (based on the teachings of the Sefat Emet)

The world with a black background

Or HaChaim – Vol. 1

Harp with the words Parsha Haazinu in the middle

Parashat Haazinu: Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

Moshe stood before the Jewish nation telling them they are standing before Hashem

Post 2 – And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God

Moshe stood before the Jewish nation telling them they are standing before Hashem

Parashat Nitzavim: And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God

Jewush people walking on a dirt road with animals and kids

Parashat Ki Tavo: The Pursuit of Joy

Kohanim carrying the ark to battle

Parashat Ki Tetze – Davar Torah based on the Or HaChaim

Moshe about to break the Luchot with lightening coming down in black and white

Parashat Ekev: Broken: Why Breaking the Tablets Was Moses’ Greatest Accomplishment

Painting of a man wearing a Tallit looking at the light in front of him

Parashat Va’etchanan- The Soul Purpose

Moshe speaking to the Jewish people

Parshat Devarim

Desert with the words Matot- Masei written in the center

Parshat Matot-Masei: A Short Thought by Rabbi Asher Weiss

Man reading from an open Torah

Parashat Pinchas: Rav Tzadok HaKohen On the Parsha

Sun setting as there is a person riding his donkey in the desert

Parashat Balak: Donkey-Talk: Even great blessings can emerge from impure places

Painting of the Kotel during the day

Is Your Anxiety Killing You? Looking Up: The Meaning behind the Snake on the Pole

Painting of desert with light shining from the center

Understanding Am Yisrael’s Stubbornness in the Midbar – Post 2

Painting of desert with light shining from the center

Understanding Am Yisrael’s Stubbornness in the Midbar – Post 1

Korach gathering his crowd to protest the anointing of Aharon

Korach – Peaceful Disagreements

Moshe anointing Aharon Hakohen

The Quest – Post 2

Moshe anointing Aharon Hakohen

The Quest

The spies talking to Beni Yisraoel about what they saw and holding giant grapes

The Sin of the Spies

Two spies carrying a giant thing of grapes on a stick

Parashat Shelach: Human Effort vs. Faith

The spies carrying a giant thing of grapes on a stick

Parashat Shelach – I Spy With My Little Eye

Kohen lighting the Menorah in the Beit Hamikdash

Until the Flame Rises Up on its Own

Bircat Kohanim at the Beit Hamikdash

The Book of Numbers – Parshat Beha’alotcha – Post 2

Moshe taking to Hashem painting

The Book of Numbers – Parshat Beha’alotcha – Post 1

The number 8 in red and orange, with light focused on it, surrounded by flowers

Parshat Nasso 5773 – The Number 8

Painting of a lake surrounded by mountains and trees and an empty bench

The Sound of Silence – Bamidbar

IDF Tzanchan at the Kotel praying

The Promise Of The Land – Parshat Bechukotai

A mountain with the sun rising above it

A Mountain of Light

A Sukka made into a tent with colorful clothes, with sun setting

Radical Uncertainty – Parshat Emor

Abstract art of lit candles

The Omer and Holiness – Parshas Kedoshim

Man holding up a Sefer Torah at the Kotel

Living Torah – Parashas Acharei Mot-Kedoshim

A woman whispering into another woman's ear

Why Do We Love Gossip?

Hebrew text on a white page, focused on some words

Comfort In Times of Loss – Parshat Tazria

Lit blue and white Havdalah candle

The Light We Make

Kohen bringing Karbon at the Beit Hamikdash

Two-minute drill with Rabbi Dov Lipman: Parshat Tzav

The Hebrew Letter Aleph in Gold surrounded by a black background

Creation, Israel, and Humility

Two men carrying a table

Parashat Pekudei: Labor of Carrying

Woman lighting the Shabbat candles

Parashat Vayakhel: The Fire of Shabbat

Moshe about to break the Luchot with lightening coming down in black and white

Parashat Ki Tisa: Broken: Why Breaking the Tablets Was Moses’ Greatest Accomplishment

Man figure standing between night and day with the world behind him

Parashat Tetzaveh: 5 Powerful Insights from the Rebbe

Boy throwing his hands in the air whole staring at the sun set

Parshat Teruma: Do You Believe In God?

Man staring at the sunset at the kotel while praying

Parshat Mishpatim: An Eye for An Eye? Really?


Parshat Yitro: Why I am A Proud Jew

Moshe splitting the dead sea, and the Jewish people crossing

Parashat Beshalach: Living on a Prayer

Moon in a star filled sky

Parashat Bo: The New Moon

Yad on a Torah scroll

Parashat Shemot: Unifying the Physical and Spiritual

Jewish Father blessing his son at the Shabbat table

Parshat Vayechi: Two-minute drill

Painting of men davening in shul

Parashat Vayigash: What does “Jew” mean? – Parshat Vayigash

Lit Chanuka Menora by the window, next to an open sefer

Parashat Miketz: Wake Up Calls

Tamar holding up a mask and a stick

Parashat Vayeshev: The Heroism of Tamar (Vayeshev)

Painting of Jacon and the angel fighting

Parashat Vayishlach: In the Merit of Esav


Parashat Vayetze: Parshas Vayeitzei

A depiction of Yaakov and Esav from the biblical story, shown from behind with their backs facing the viewer. Yaakov is dressed in simple robes, holding a staff

Parashat Toledot: The Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom

Avraham's tent in the desert all set up for guests

Parashat Vayera: Why Believing in God Should Make You More Kind

animals lining up to enter Noah's ark

Parashat Noach: The Purpose of My Soul

Brown Gavel on a desk with a scale and an open book in the background

The Genesis of Justice (Bereishit)

Brown Gavel on a desk with a scale and an open book in the background

The Genesis of Justice (Bereishit)

Open Torah scroll with music notes coming out of it

Parashat Hazinu: Hide and Seek

Two men wearing Tallits blowing long Shofars on a hill above a town

Parashat Nitzavim: Sefat Emet Series on Parshat Nitzavim

Man writing with a feather on a scroll by candle light

Parashat Ki Tavo: A Nation of Storytellers

Flowers surrounding lit Shabbat candles, a kiddush cup and wine painting

Parashat Ki Tetze: Or HaChaim Retrieves Hidden Message from Mitzvah of Returning Lost Objects

David Citadel in Jerusalem. Old Jerusalem stone buildings in the old city

Parashat Shofetim: The Knock on the Door

The Kotel at sunset filled with people praying

Parashat Re’eh: How To Give to G-d

Parthenon remains on an almost clear sky day

Parashat Ekev: Why Civilisations Fail

Birchat Kohanim by the Beit Hamikdash painting

Parashat Devarim: The cumulative process of the Ge’ula.

Man and his son davening at the kotel painting

The Self Made Man

A gold compass with the word leadership written inside of it

Parashat Pinchas: Picture The Scene of The Petition of Tzelofchad’s Daughters

Open Chumash in the desert with Balek spelled on top

Parashat Balak: Leadership and Loyalty

Rock spit with water rushing down

Why Was Moses Denied The Promised Land?: I Am a Rock

The ground split open for Korach to swallow him up

The Color of Heaven – Parshat Korach

Man and his son looking at the Beit Hamikdash floating in the sky

Parashat Shelach – Commentary based on the Sefat Emet

Open Book with light coming out of it, brightening the sky

The Hidden Light – Be’halot’cha

Group of people wearing suits, with hands in for group all in

Parashat Naso: Our Collective Responsibility

Painting of Tents in the desert

Leading a Nation of Individuals (Bamidbar 5781)

Open Chumash with light shinning down on the Hebrew words

Parashat Behukotai: The Unparalleled Power of a Group

Holy of Holies with light shining down

Emor – The Heart in Which the Shechina Dwells

Abstract painting of Shabbat Candles with swirl around it

When G-d Becomes an Excuse for Fear

Kohen Gadol in a tent checking someone's Tzarat

Changing the “Eye” – Parshas Tazria

Men walking through the old city with mystical wind blowing

Reticence vs. Impetuosity (Shemini 5781)

The hebrew letter Aleph lit up by fire in a forest

The Diminutive Aleph

Lightening striking down from the sky to the Mishkan

Parashat Vayakhel/ Pekudei: The Human Miracle

A hand putting together the world in te shape of a puzzle

Parashat Ki Tisa: Torah: Particle or Wave? As the Tablets Splintered, Judaism Was Redefined

A person holding the world in their hands

Parshat Teruma: The Human Miracle

Man davening at a lookout overlooking the Kotel as sun is setting

Parshat Yitro: Midos Tovos Are The Key

Yad on an open Torah Scroll

Parashat Beshalach: Looking Up

Two Yeshiva boys wearing black suits learning together in the Beit Midrash

Parashat Bo: It’s Your Inner Light That Matters Most

A book and lit shabbat candles by the open window overlooking a blue town

Parashat Va’era: Why Do You Need to Control Me? “Let My People Go!” But Can They Let Themselves Go

Shifra and Puah each holding a baby

Parashat Shemot: Women as Leaders (Shemot 5781)

abstract colorful art of Shabbat candles and light being swirled around them

Parshat Vayechi: The Eternal Life in This World

Joseph on a throne

Parashat Vayigash: I Am Joseph: The Light Born of Life’s Challenges

Joseph on his throne with his brothers surrounding him

Parashat Miketz: Joseph and Preserving Someone’s Dignity

It’s All About God

A historical and dramatic depiction of Yaakov (Jacob) sending messengers to his brother Esav (Esau) in a Biblical setting. Yaakov stands near a camp

Parashat Vayishlach: The Better Angels

tree reaching up to the heavens

Here’s What Nobody Told You About Adam and Eve

Painting of a man wearing a tallit and praying with watercolors around him

Parashat Vayetze: When the “I” is Silent

Yitzchak blessing Yaakov painting

Parshat Toldot: Do the Ends Sanctify the Means?

Painting of two lit Shabbat candles in silver candle holders

Parashat Chayei Sarah: Making the Count of Our Days Count

Men riding a camel and another man walking in front of his camel during sunrise in the desert

Parashat Lekh Lekha: Leaving Our Comfort Zone

An old ancient man sitting alone under a tree

Parashat Lekh Lekha: The Courage not to Conform (Lech Lecha 5781)

Sun shinning down on one boat in ocean

Parashat Noach: The 17th of Cheshvan: When the Great Flood Began

hebrew letters flying around

Parshas Bereishis: The Final Letters Spell ‘Emes’

Harp with the words Parsha Haazinu in the middle

Parashat Haazinu: Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony

Man blowing a big shofar wearing a tallit

Parashat Nitzavim: Doing Business with Hashem

Red apple on a branch with green leaves

Parashat Ki Tavo: Blessings and Curses

Painting of lit shababt candles, challah under the cover, and roses

Parashat Ki Tetze: Finding Humanity in Animals

Artwork of Shabbat candles, kiddush cup and challah

Parashat Shofrim: A Sage is Greater than a Prophet

Sun shinning through cloudy sky

Parashat Re’eh: Redeeming Relevance: How to See God in the World

The seven species- pomegranate, grapes, wheat, dates, barley, fig

Parashat Ekev: Spiritual Nourishment

Painting of a man wearing a tallit in the desert

Parashat Va’etchanan: Answering Unanswered Prayers

Moshe standing on a mountain above all the Jewish people gathered together

Parshat Devarim: ‘A Good Eye’

Shabbat Table set with lit candles and challah and flowers in a red vase with doves flying around it

Honesty and Integrity

Hebrew letters in blue on top and red on the bottom

Parshat Pinchas : The Passage to Courage

Land split open with moshe holding his staff

Yaakov Recognized That Without Unity, The Jewish People Have No Hope: Parshas Korach

Tree growing from a Hebrew book with sun setting behind it

Tzitzis and Creation

Painting of a man learning a Sefer with hebrew words behind him

Empathy and Wisdom Be’halot’cha (Numbers 8-12)

Painting of lit shabbat candles and kiddush cup

Sages and Saints: Two Versions of the Moral Life (Naso 5775)

Challah under challah cover, candles lit and silver kiddush cup

Parshat Bamidbar: Man Plans and The Almighty Laughs

Sunset over mountains

Parshat Behar

Wheat growing in a wheat field

Parshat Emor 5766: Counting the Omer – The Fifth Dimension

Torah Scroll open with words acharei mot kedoshem in hebrew under

The Scapegoat: Shame and Guilt (Acharei Mot – Kedoshim 5775)

Abstract glass window artwork

Changing the Eye: Tazria (Leviticus 12-13)

abstract painting with blue, yellow and red

Hearing the Voice: Vayikra (Leviticus 1-5)

Image of the Mishkan with light shinning up

Parashat Vayakhel: Communities and Crowds

Painting of Shabbat candles with challah and wine and a kiddush cup

Parashat Ki Tisa: On Golden Calves and Other Heroes

Torah Scroll

Parashat Tetzaveh: Inspiration & Perspiration

Image of the Aaron HaKodeh, holy of holies with angels facing each other

Parshat Teruma: Have Poles, Will Travel

Books of the Torah standing tall in front of people

Parshat Mishpatim: Doing and Hearing

Har Sinai with lightning coming down from the sky

Parshat Yitro: The Good Midianite


Havdala is the ceremony that marks the end of Shabbat and the transition back to the regular week. It includes blessings over wine, spices, and fire.

Havdala consists of the following stages: 

    1. Verses  
      • Although not required, verses that express our hope for a positive week are customarily recited at the beginning of Havdala.
      • Ashkenazim recite a series of verses beginning with “Hinei Kel Yeshu’ati” (Yeshayahu 12:2) available here, while Sephardim recite a series of verses beginning with “Rishon Letzion” (Yeshayahu 41:27) available here .
  • Wine
    • Blessing: Borei pri hagafen is recited on the cup of wine.
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • Ideally, use kosher wine or grape juice.
      • If unavailable, significant beverages like beer or coffee may be used. 
      • According to some opinions, one may also use other significant beverages if one prefers them over wine. 
  1. Spices (besamim)
    • Blessing: A blessing is recited on fragrant spices. 
      • Ashkenazim: The general blessing of Borei minei besamim (Who creates types of spices) is recited.
      • Sephardim: Specific blessings are recited, such as Borei atzei besamim (Who creates fragrant branches) or Borei isvei besamim (Who creates fragrant herbs).
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • One should not use spices designed only to remove a foul odor (such as bathroom freshener). 
      • If the one reciting havdala cannot smell, another individual recites the blessing during havdala (Ashkenazim) or after havdala (Sephardim).
  2. Candle
    • Blessing: Borei me’orei ha’esh is recited on the flame.
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • Preferably, use a special havdala candle with multiple wicks.
      • After the blessing, view one’s fingernails by the light to appreciate the flame. Some halakhic authorities hold that one does this before reciting the blessing.
  3. Blessing of Separation and Drinking the Wine
    • Blessing: The blessing of “Hamavdil” is recited, which marks the distinction between “holy” (i.e., Shabbat) and “mundane” (i.e., the weekdays), followed by drinking the cup of wine. 
    • Practical Guidelines:
      • Everyone should listen to the blessing without interruption, as missing part of this blessing invalidates the mitzva.
      • The leader drinks the wine; others may assist if necessary.

The leader must drink at least a cheekful (approximately 44 cc). Ideally, a full revi’it (86 cc) is consumed, requiring an after-blessing.

  1. Symbolic Meaning
    • Purpose: Havdala, which means separation, transitions from Shabbat’s sanctity to weekday activity. The blessing’s text, “He separates between holy and mundane, between light and dark…between the seventh day and the six days of work,” reinforces that holiness is preserved through separation. 
    • Symbolism:
      • Smelling spices enables the soul to cope with losing the additional soul (neshama yeteira), which joins a person on Shabbat. 
      • Seeing the flame commemorates the creation of fire on Saturday night by Adam in the Garden of Eden. 
      • Smelling spices and seeing the flame also awaken the senses, helping to carry Shabbat’s spiritual elevation into the week.
  2. Mystical Insights 
    • Neshama Yeteira: In addition to the connection between the departure of the additional soul and smelling the spices, the entire havdala ceremony also helps ease the loss of the additional soul.
    • Symbolism of Ritual Objects:
      • Candle: Reflects divine light.
      • Wine: Represents divine abundance.

Separation and Integration: Light and darkness represent distinct realms, as do sacred and mundane and Shabbat and the rest of the week. However, light illuminates the darkness, the holy illuminates the mundane, and Shabbat illuminates the rest of the week. Havdala demonstrates that these different realms must remain distinct but that Shabbat can impact the rest of the week, bridging sanctity with the material world.