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Flames surrounding the still standing Beit Hamikdash with Jews falling apart in the background

The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz: Finding the Love in the Destruction

Holy Eating: Insights Into Tu B’Shevat

Pomegranate hanging from a tree full of leaves

Tu BeShevat 5784

The Tenth of Tevet

Continuing the Light… After Zot Chanukah

Chanuka oil light on the last night

Access to Or Haganuz via the Chanukka Candles

Rabbi YY Jacobson’s Chanuka Video Series

Chanuka Overview and the Responsibility as Lamplighters

A Little Band of Hasmoneans

lighting the menorah, kid lighting the channukah candles

The Opportunity of Chanukka

Abstract painting of Hanukkah in jerusalem with menora, oil jug and dreidal

Emor Project wishes you Chanukka Sameach!

Sukkot Lulav, etrog, 4 species, and sefer torah

Sukkot: The Story of Our Faith

Picture of a table and chairs set in a sukah with lights around the side

The Holy of Holies and the Sukkah

Painting of Jewish man wearing a tallit, back facing, Hebrew letters floating around him

60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to The High Holidays

Sky with a shining sun and pink clouds, birds flying and a perfect view of green mountain tops

Parashat Haazinu: Heaven & Earth

10 days of Teshuva, siddur and shofar

Ten Days of Teshuva

Jewish man in a tallit prayer shawl blowing the shofar

Demystifying Yom Kippur

Guy putting tefillin on someone else

A Ba’al Teshuvah Is Greater Than a Tzaddik

Jewish Man blowing shofar at the kotel

Rosh HaShana -The Shofar Transports our Souls Into The Holy of Holies

Shana Tov with pomegranates, and shofer

Rosh Hashana Wishes from Emor Project

Rosh Hashana- shofar with machzor (prayer book) and tallit

Rosh Hashana – The Head of the Year

crown on top of Aaron kodesh

A Night to Remember: On the Essence of Rosh Hashanah

Painting of shabbos candles below a cloud with light shining down

The Ikkar (main aspect) of Yom Tov (festival holy days)

U turn sign on the Road

Reflecting, Resolving, and Renewing for the New Year

Chai Elul Man wearing a tallit enlivens a somber month

Chai Elul: Adding Chayus Throughout the Year

Solitude, man alone in nature with sun setting and blooming tree

The Holiness of Your Sins: How the Kabbalah Reconciles Free Choice and Divine Providence

Elul written in English in a wheat field

The King in the Field

Beit Hamikdash burning down in flames

The Laws of Tisha B’Av

Men crying out to Hashem as Jerusalem burns

Make It Real

9 days, rose of fire and destruction

The Nine Days of Mourning

Beit Hamikdash destroyed in stones

17th of Tammuz

10 commandments over mountain and lightning coming down from the sky

Preparing for Shavuos – Post 2

10 commandments over mountain and lightning coming down from the sky

Preparing for Shavuos – Part 1

Har Sinai The Jews getting the Torah, Light shinning down from the sky

Beyond a Choice

Lag Bomer painting Men dancing around a bonfire

Amazing Revelations Of Lag Ba’Omer

blessing of counting the omer in an open siddur

Sefirat Ha’Omer/Counting of the Omer

Seder plate with shank bone, egg, charoset, maror, carpas

The Significance of Matzah

Sefirat Haomer written in hebrew in a wheat field

A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer: Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement

searching for chametz candle, prayer, feather and spoon

A Passover Dictionary: What Do All These Strange Hebrew Terms Mean?

Picture of Seder table- Hagadah, four cups of wine, matzah, seder plate

The Pesach Seder

Man wearing a suit signing a document

Sell Your Chametz

Spray bottle and sponge cleaning table Deep cleaning Passover cleaning

Cleaning for Passover and the Search for Spirituality

Moshe splitting the sea with the walls of the sea arching inward and moshe in the middle holding his stick

Egypt Now – Part 2

Moshe splitting the sea with the walls of the sea arching inward and moshe in the middle holding his stick

Egypt Now – Part 1

Passover wine, matzah, seder plate, hagaddah


Purim art, Jewish art, Purim story

A Purim Message from Emor Project 5783

Mitzvot of purim. Purim basket, noise maker, and mask

How to Celebrate Purim

Fast of Esther, queen and calendar highlighted on the 13

Esther’s Fast: Rules, Meaning, What Is Esther’s Fast & How To Do It

7 species art, pomegranates, wheat, dates painting

Holy Eating: Insights Into Tu B’Shevat

7 fruits of Israel painting with pomegranates, dates, olives, wheats, and figs

Kabbalistic Tu B’Shvat Seder

Jerusalem covered in smoke, 10th of tevet

The Tenth of Tevet

Zot Chanukah

Kohen Lighting the menorah in beit Hamikdash painting

Chanuka Overview and the Responsibility as Lamplighters

Chanukah Menorah in Jerusalem painting

The Opportunity of Chanukka

Art of Hannukah, painted glass look

The Spiritual Potential of Chanukka

lulav and etrog

The Holy of Holies and the Sukkah

Yom Kippur painting of man holding up a Torah

Yom Kippur; 60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to The High Holidays

Painting of a Jewish man wearing a tallit blowing the Shofar on a hill overlooking houses

Teshuvah; 60 Days: A Spiritual Guide to The High Holidays

Siddur open at kotel

Days of Awe: Ideas and Insights of the Sfas Emes on the High Holy Days

Siddur open at kotel

Days of Awe: Ideas and Insights of the Sfas Emes on the High Holy Days

Blowing shofar at kotel

Post 3 – And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God

Moshe stood before the Jewish nation telling them they are standing before Hashem

Post 2 – And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God

Man blowing shofar

The Blast of the Shofar

Rosh Hashana painting

Rosh Hashanah Overview

Man standing alone with his arms spread apart as sun is setting over lake

Teachings from: Q and A About Teshuvah and Forgiveness

Tree of hearts painting

Is Everyone Really Marriage Material?

hearts coming out of envelope

The Meaning of Tu B’av

Beit Hamikdash burning down in flames

The Laws of Tisha B’Av

Beit Hamikdash surrounded by hills

Do remember the past, but do not be held captive by it

Beit Hamikdash painting

Finding the Love in the Destruction – Part 2

Beit Hamikdash painting

Finding the Love in the Destruction – Part 1

Beit Hamikdash destroyed in stones

17th of Tammuz

10 commandments painting

The one time all Jews agreed [Shavuos]

Lag bomer dancing painting

Lag B’Omer: Celebrating someone else’s death??!

Pesach sheni cartoon

Pesach Sheni: The Holiday of Second Chances

Omer Sefirot

Better Living Through Counting | SECRETS of the Omer

Counting the omer

Sefirat HaOmer – A Unique Opportunity for Self-Refinement

Wheat field, shavout

Sefirat Ha’Omer/Counting of the Omer

Sefirat Haomer written in hebrew in a wheat field

A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer: Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement

Looking for chametz searching for chametz

A Passover Dictionary: What Do All These Strange Hebrew Terms Mean?

A filled seder plate with shank bone, egg, parsley, charoset, and maror

Pesach Seder

selling chametz bread basket

Sell Your Chametz

abstract passover 4 cups

The Spiritual Potential of Pesach

Picture of man looking for chametz with sons and text below saying stay calm while cleaning for pesach

Stress-Free Pesach Cleaning Guide

ancient 1/2 shekel coin

Should women give Machatzit HaShekel?

Digital painting of Queen Esther

Esther’s Fast: Rules, Meaning, What Is Esther’s Fast & How To Do It

Art of the creation of the world

How to Celebrate Purim

Text of Megillah Esther in Scroll

Purim 5782 Introduction

Painting of a father walking in Jerusalem with his daughter in Purim costume

Why Is There a Purim Katan (Small Purim)?

Seige of Jerusalem Romans conquering Jerusalem

The Tenth of Tevet

Chanukiya lit on the 8th night

“This Opposite This” HaShem Made the World

Painting of Chanukah menorah lit on the last night of Chanukah

Chanukka and the Feminine

Rabbi Sacks Chanukah quote

Ceremony & Celebration – Chanukah Candle 4

Boys watching the Chanukah candles burn

Chanukah: The Greatest Revenge

Lighting Chanukah candles on the last night

Turning on God’s Light

Man lighting Chanukah candles in Jerusalem

A Titanic Victory and a Small Cruse of Oil – Post 2

Man lighting Chanukah candles in Jerusalem

A Titanic Victory and a Small Cruse of Oil – Post 1

Last night of Chanukah, lit Menorah

Chanukka 5782 – Introduction

Man praying at Kotel while holding his lulav

Sukkot: The Story of Our Faith

Kotel from a side view with the sun setting and people praying

Yom Kippur: The Joy Within The Holiest Day

Teshuva definition from a dictionary, with the definition blurred

Ten Days of Teshuva – 2

Teshuva definition from a dictionary, with the definition blurred

Ten Days of Teshuva – 1

Artwork of pomegranate, shofar and full moon

Shana Tova

Crown on top of tallit next to an open prayer book

A Night to Remember: On the Essence of Rosh Hashanah

Judges gavel lying on top of block

The True Meaning of Divine Judgement

Artwork of tree trunk twisted and diamond-shaped leaves

Chai Elul: Breathing New Life Into Our Divine Service

The Days of Awe written in sunrise above a field

Being Judged Is a Compliment

Clock in the shape of the world

A Unique Opportunity for Real Change

Time to Act written inside a clock

Learning to be Free

Men together listening to one blow the shofar as sun is setting

Why We Blow the Shofar Every Day of Elul

Man standing high with is arms open as the sun is setting

The Holiness of Your Sins: How the Kabbalah Reconciles Free Choice and Divine Providence

Man blowing the shofar as sun is setting with ELUL written next to him

The Spiritual Energy of the Month of Elul

Word disadvantage broken up so that there is advantage

The Month of Elul: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Elul written in Hebrew over a setting sun

Elul: A Month of Preparation and Divine Compassion

Beit Hamikdash with light shinning around it behind the walls of the kotel

When the Cracks Appear, Let the Light Enter – Part 2

Beit Hamikdash with light shinning around it behind the walls of the kotel

When the Cracks Appear, Let the Light Enter – Part 1

Full moon at night over a mountain

The People of the Moon

Painting of the kotel from above with people praying

The Nine Days of Mourning – Post 2

Painting of the kotel from above with people praying

The Nine Days of Mourning – Post 1

Painting of the Beit Hamikdash and courtyard in Jerusalem

The Roots of Trauma

Beit Hamikdash burning as smoke fills the sky above Jerusalem

17th of Tammuz

Painting of the Jews getting the Torah at Har Sinai and Hashem coming down

What’s With All These Laws?

Men dancing around a bon fire on lag bomer in Jerusalem

Amazing Revelations Of Lag Ba’Omer

Modern art of Passover, with city built in shape of a pyramid, table set for the seder with matzah, seder plate, cup of wine and hagaddah, and sun setting in the back

A Kabbalistic Kavanna for Eating Matzah at the Seder

Woman scrubbing her computer with soap and a sponge

Emor Project’s Stress-Free Pesach Cleaning Guide

Man alone standing before an ocean as the sun sets, leaving a purple sky

Even in the Worst Darkness, G-d is Calling Out To You

Purple Costume mask on a sparkled surface

Facemasks and Purim Masks: The Pandemic’s First Anniversary

Open scroll of Megillat Esther

Purim Introduction 5781

Bright red cherries hanging from a branch full of leaves

Tu B’Shevat 5781 – “New Year for the Trees”

Chanukah oil lit on menorah

Spread the Light: An Ancient Talmudic Debate About the Jewish World Today

Cohen lighting the menorah painting

The Miracle Has Already Begun

Man lighting Chanukah candles in Jerusalem

“…Until there are no stragglers in the marketplace.”

Colorful Sukkah with sunset

The Coveted Sukkah of Sodom

Man wearing Talit praying at kotel

My Yom Kippur lesson from my new Hasidic neighbors

Rosh Hashanah Plate with apples, honey and a shofar

Rosh Hashanah at Home: How to Embrace the Opportunity

Moon reflecting over water

Mercy Month

Beit Hamikdash in flames

The Temple for Which we are Supposed to Yearn

Light shining down on a Torah Scroll

The Torah of Atzilut – The Torah of Souls

Queen Esther on her throne painting

Turning Noga Into Chashmal