During this time, God teaches us to find Him in the mundane and in all aspects of life. If we approach Sukkot with this mindset, we’ll carry God's presence with us throughout the year....
The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz: Finding the Love in the Destruction
Lipitz, Mrs. Ani
The three weeks between the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz and the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av are called Bein HaMetzarim (“Between the Straits”), and during this period Jewish people the...
Adam and Eve [transgressed by eating from] the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was through this sin that the yeitzer hara (evil inclination) became a part of each of us, challenging us to this day with obstacles to our spiritual growth....
[Tu BeShevat offers the] opportunity to absorb the amazing gift of Eretz Yisroel, the fantastic bounty it is giving us these days, and the tremendous opportunity to make blessings over it in giving thanks to God....
The Tenth of Tevet marks the onset of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylonia, and the beginning of the battle that ultimately destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, and sent the Jews into the 70-year Babylonian Exile....
The Chanukka candles are a channel through which a portion of the Or Haganuz (the tremendously good light Hashem has reserved for the tzadikim in the world to come) is released for us. ...
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson, founder of TheYeshiva.net, and one of the most successful, passionate and mesmerizing communicators of Judaism today, shares a short video offering insights and inspiration each night of Chanuka....
"In such times of distress we must always be like that faithful band of Hasmoneans, and remember that there is always a drop of 'pure olive oil' hidden deep in the heart of every Jew, which, if kindled, bursts into a big flame. This drop of 'pure olive oil'...
On Yom Kippur we reach to the heavens, we connect to the core of our soul and feel unified with G-d. But, just as we reach the climax of the holiness of Yom Kippur, we transition to preparation for the holiday of Sukkot, when we celebrate...
"...a ba’al teshuvah is superior to a complete tzaddik is that the light is given off when he performs the mitzvah of teshuvah is able to repair all the damage done to the celestial light by his intentional sins."...
"Emor Project wishes you all a healthy new year filled with overflowing revealed blessings in all areas of ruchaniut and gashmiut (spirituality & physicality)."...
A Night to Remember: On the Essence of Rosh Hashanah
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
"Here lay one of the great and daring ideas of Judaism. G-d, the perfect endless one, desired to be king not through power or by the dictates of nature. He desired to be chosen as king;...
The Ikkar (main aspect) of Yom Tov (festival holy days)
The Sefat Emet, translated by A. Green
"The inner life force of God that exists within all creatures is revealed on these festivals. That is why they are called mikra’ey kodesh, ‘holy assemblies’... [One] can call forth the holiness of these days, and also...the holiness itself calls forth to us....
"Tisha B'Av is a day of mourning and repentance on which we recall the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and other tragic events in Jewish history that took place on this day....
"..every individual can access this power for change in a tangible way, by meditating this Shabbat on what our soul will see, a vision of a House which will fuse the upper and lower worlds, spiritual and physical reality, in permanent union."...
"This month is called Av, which is Hebrew for 'father'. Although G-d has hidden His manifest countenance from us, and we are forced to live with all of the consequences that follow from that, the name of the month conveys to us that G-d acts as a loving father...
"The 17th of Tammuz is a fast day commemorating the fall of Jerusalem, prior to the destruction of the Holy Temple. This also marks the beginning of a 3-week national period of mourning, leading up to Tisha B'Av......
"When we mourn the death of the students of Rabbi Akiva, we must rectify their sin of not showing kavod for each other as one of the most important ways to prepare ourselves for Matan Torah....
"The Torah itself gives a transition between the Holiday of Freedom (Pesach) and the Holiday of the Torah - the holiday of commitment to Hashem (Shavuot) - via the counting of the Omer…until we get to Matan Torah....
"Exodus from Egypt represents the passage from one reality to another, from matter without form (aka pleasure seeking) to matter shaped accordingly to Torah guidelines....
"Megillat Esther does not explicitly mention the name of Hashem. We learn from here that despite the presence of Hashem not always being revealed, He is constantly directing the events. ...
"When we eat the many fruits associated with the Tree of Knowledge on Tu B’Shevat and do so with consciousness of our Creator, that in itself is a rectification of what happened in Garden of Eden."...
"The Tenth of Tevet marks the onset of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylonia, and the beginning of the battle that ultimately destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, and sent the Jews into the 70-year Babylonian Exile....
"Zot Chanukah, which literally means 'this is Chanukah,' is the traditional name given to the last and concluding day of the holiday. It is on this day that the power and potential of Chanukah is fully revealed......
Chanuka Overview and the Responsibility as Lamplighters
Breitowitz, Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok
"Chanukah is that message of hope, faith in Hashem, and faith in yourself. 'Don’t despair, don’t give up, keep on going. My light is with you, and when My light is with you, your puny efforts can accomplish what would otherwise seem to be impossible.'...
The potential reiterated each year during Chanuka is for us to transform the darkness into light, i.e., to see how the light can be extracted from the darkness itself....
"For an entire week, we are enveloped by the Shechinah and encouraged to meditate on the deepest stirrings of our hearts and souls. By shaking the four species over the course of the holiday we symbolically translate these feelings into a practical plan of action to be put into...
Days of Awe: Ideas and Insights of the Sfas Emes on the High Holy Days
Stern, Rabbi Yosef
"While spiritual rewards are normally granted in direct proportion to one's performance of Torah and mitzvos, there also exists an additional component of spirituality which is not contingent upon individual merit....
Post 3 – And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God
Trugman, Rabbi Avraham Arieh
"The searing sound of the shofar has the ability to fuse together all the disjointed parts of our personality, all the inner fragmentation, into one unified presence."...
Post 2 – And You Are Standing Today All of You Before God
Trugman, Rabbi Avraham Arieh
"Even if all the curses (God forbid) came to pass, the Jewish people would still be ‘standing’ before God, for He would never abrogate the covenant He made with them....
"There is so much goodness and holiness in people; it is our duty to reveal it. Are we looking properly? What we see has a lot to do with what we are looking for. Are our eyes gazing heavenward, or are we staring into the gutter?"...
"The Mishnah tells us that: 'No days were as festive for Israel as the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur.' ...What is Tu B'Av [and in] which way is it equivalent to Yom Kippur?...
"Tisha B'Av is a day of mourning and repentance on which we recall the destruction of the First and Second Temples, and other tragic events in Jewish history that took place on this day."...
Do remember the past, but do not be held captive by it
Adler Lambert, Rivkah & Mendlowitz, Ariella
""Jews never forgot those tragedies. To this day, at every wedding, we break a glass in their memory.
Two and a half thousand years is a long time to remember... is it really right to remember?"...
"Each human being is a microcosm of the universe at large… But it is precisely during these periods of deepest darkness that the light of compassion shines the strongest in our souls, that the Infinite Itself is revealed before us. Because destruction, like all other forces in the universe,...
"We reflect on the spiritually and physically destructive events that occurred [during the 3 weeks]. Even today it’s considered to be an inauspicious time, when negative forces manifest more freely in the world....
Better Living Through Counting | SECRETS of the Omer
Friedman, Rabbi Manis
"We start counting the Omer on the second night, because after having experienced a total cleansing of all ego, now we can start replacing our emotions, our character, one step at a time, but this time, without ego....
A Passover Dictionary: What Do All These Strange Hebrew Terms Mean?
Strum, Rabbi Ori
"On the night before Passover (this year...on Thursday night, April 14th), the Jewish people gather in their homes at sundown and begin searching for any remaining chametz....
We conduct the seder using a Haggadah, which means “telling.” The Haggadah facilitates the retelling of the story of the Exodus from Egypt. Also, it guides participants through the ritual-rich Seder meal, indicating when and how to perform each ritual....
"Purim is a time of giving. For those of us women who are blessed with sufficient funds and the ability to do so, it is a great time to contribute our part to support our community, financially and spiritually, and donate zecher l’machatzit ha-shekel."...
Esther’s Fast: Rules, Meaning, What Is Esther’s Fast & How To Do It
Aleph Beta
These three days of fasting were a national rallying cry for salvation. The whole nation was united behind Esther, and God indeed answered their prayers....
This Thursday we celebrate Purim, a spiritually powerful day in which the original energies and potential of the first Purim are released and available for us to tap into. Among these, Purim is an eit ratzon, a favorable time. This is a time when our tefillot, (prayers), are welcomed...
"There is an opinion in the Talmud that Purim should be celebrated in Adar I based on the rule [that] 'one does not ‘pass over’ or forego the performance of the mitzvahs'...
"The Tenth of Tevet marks the onset of the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylonia, and the beginning of the battle that ultimately destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, and sent the Jews into the 70-year Babylonian Exile....
"Realising that the real battle was not against an empire but a culture, Jews set about constructing the world’s first system of universal education. The effect was astonishing....
If we want to commemorate the miricle of Chanukka that took place in the Beit HaMikdash, why do we light at home rather than in the synagogue, the "mini mikdash"?...
A Titanic Victory and a Small Cruse of Oil – Post 1
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
"We, the Jewish people, are here today only because of the courage and vision of this small group of determined Jews who would not allow their G-d and their Torah to be reduced to the dustbins of history by the Syrian-Greek tyrant....
These Ten Days [between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur] are a special time when each individual is given the potential to restore the light of these Sefirot into their souls.
By addressing each particular Sefirah, studying and understanding its quality, processing it and internalizing it into our lives in...
"Rosh Hashana is the date of the creation of the first human beings. On that very first day...Adam and Chava committed the very first sin.
God judged them and forgave them. God said, ‘Just as you were judged before me on this day and emerged forgiven, so will your children...
Emor Project wishes you all a healthy new year filled with overflowing revealed blessings in all areas of ruchaniut and gashmiut (spirituality & physicality)....
A Night to Remember: On the Essence of Rosh Hashanah
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
"Rosh Hashanah [is] the day when the first human was created ...when small, frail, vulnerable and lowly human beings invite G-d to serve as their King.
But why does G-d need us to coronate Him?...
"...The relationship between us and G-d is a partnership. Partners are accountable to each other. In the month of Elul, we do our accounting. Rosh Hashana is audit day. G-d checks the books to see how we took care of His investment in us....
Identifying damaging patterns and personal bias is an essential step on a journey to freedom from our personal bondage.
In one way or another, we're all enslaved [by our inward psyche or our outside circumstances]....
“Moses ascends Mt. Sinai for the third time to pray and beseech G-d to forgive the people. He will remain there for 40 days, descending on Yom Kippur, when he finally succeeds in his mission. The shofar was sounded when Moses ascended on Rosh Chodesh Elul and every day...
The Holiness of Your Sins: How the Kabbalah Reconciles Free Choice and Divine Providence
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
"The Talmud teaches something very profound: When somebody repents out of awe, out of fear- their sins are absolved. When someone repents out of love, their sins become mitzvot....
Elul: A Month of Preparation and Divine Compassion
Jacobson, Rabbi Simon
"Elul is a time to prepare for the 'Days of Awe' of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur by repenting the failings of the past and resolving for the future; to immerse oneself in Torah study, prayer and charitable activities....
"The Jewish people are the people of the moon. So many times in our history we seem to be on the point of vanishing completely...and we rise time and time again, like the moon....
"Why does Judaism prohibit me from doing whatever I want? people often ask... Why are there so many laws, instructions, and rituals in Judaism that govern every aspect of one's life, from the way we eat to the way we marry?...
"[Do] you know what happened on the 33rd Day of the Omer counting...[the] Jewish Holiday known as Lag B’Omer?"
Watch the short linked video to hear Rabbi Aharon Pessin sharing "...several ... fascinating connections to this special day."...
Facemasks and Purim Masks: The Pandemic’s First Anniversary
Blech, Rabbi Benjamin
"Like Purim, at times God puts on a mask and conceals His presence and His purpose. But as Purim also teaches us, miracles of salvation are part of the story as well...
Spread the Light: An Ancient Talmudic Debate About the Jewish World Today
Jacobson, Rabbi YY
There is a debate in the Talmud: Am I allowed to use another Chanuka candle to ignite another flame?
"...Two of the greatest Talmudic sages...Rav and Shmuel debate the question. Rav says you are not allowed to, Shmuel says it’s permissible. ...Jewish law follows the position of Shmuel......
"There was no miracle on the first day, so really there was only a 7-day miracle not an 8-day miracle so why is Chanuka 8 days? One day the oil would have lasted regardless, we had enough oil for one day....
"... [the] experience of living beneath the skhokh for seven days (with its leaky roof and peep holes to heaven) is supposed to bring us to sukka consciousness....
Rosh Hashanah at Home: How to Embrace the Opportunity
Lebovits, Rabbi Levi
"A helpful first step is to remember that nothing happens without God's guidance. Our prayer services haven’t simply fallen victim to the blind menace of COVID-19. The High Holidays this year present us with an opportunity to reach new heights of meaning and connection.
"On Tisha B’Av we mourn the loss of our House of Holy Presence (aka Bet HaMikdash), the heart of our people, that turns us from a throng into a higher order unity called Kenesset Yisrael, a synonymous term for Shekhina. Without our holy hub it is hard to contain...
"HaShem created the universe to bring forth the souls of Israel. Just as there are 600,000 letters of the Torah, so are there 600,000 root souls in the spiritual community of Israel....
"Esther turned noga into chashmal and invites us to follow her lead: When faced with a range of options (ie, noga), identify the paradoxical tugs, acknowledge the truths of each, alternate between them, pick up the pace, find the point of stillness (chashmal), pray for counsel, feel the gate...